
Charles Winter

Department: Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management
Physics Lab Technician

Richard Wolter

Department: Physics and Chemistry
(414) 277-7558 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S231A wolter@msoe.edu
Assistant Professor

Dr. Gabriel Wright

Department: Computer Science and Software Engineering

Dr. Cory Wright

Department: Mathematics
(414) 277-2746 Walter Schroeder Library: L322 wrightc@msoe.edu Faculty Resume
Assistant Professor, Innovent Center Director

Gene Wright

Department: Rader School of Business
Associate Professor

Dr. Adam Wright

Department: Physics and Chemistry
(414) 277-7560 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S204 wrightad@msoe.edu Faculty Resume
Maintenance Technician

John Wroblewski

Department: Facilities

Dr. Chunping Xie

Department: Mathematics
(414) 277-7358 Walter Schroeder Library: L327 xie@msoe.edu Faculty Resume
Assistant Professor

Dr. Jinkai Xu

Department: Mathematics
(414) 277-2312 Walter Schroeder Library: L315 xu@msoe.edu Faculty Resume
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Kang Yang

Department: School of Nursing
Clinical Lecturer

Jessica Yates

Department: School of Nursing
Adjunct Associate Professor

Dr. Josiah Yoder

Department: Computer Science and Software Engineering
Professor Emeritus

Dr. John Zachar

Department: Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management
(414) 277-7307 Campus Center: CC74C zachar@msoe.edu
Program Coordinator

Gina Zarcone

Department: CREATE Institute
(414) 277-2275 Campus Center: CC02 zarcone@msoe.edu
Head Womens Soccer Coach

Rolf Zersen

Department: Athletics
(414) 277-2815 Kern Center: K354 zersen@msoe.edu

Dr. Wujie Zhang

Department: Physics and Chemistry
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Jason Zidek

Department: Mechanical Engineering
Ice Arena Coordinator

Tom Zienkiewicz

Department: Athletics

Andrew Zimmer

Department: Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management
Assistant Professor

Kurt Zimmerman

Department: Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management