Head Mens Hockey Coach

Graham Johnson

Department: Athletics
(414) 277-7565 Kern Center: K351 johnsong@msoe.edu
Associate Professor

Dr. Timothy Johnson

Department: Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering
(414) 277-2682 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S336 johnsontimoj@msoe.edu Faculty Resume
Assistant Professor

Sean Jones

Department: Computer Science and Software Engineering
Talent Acquisition Coordinator

Jenny Jones

Department: Human Resources
(414) 277-7414 Campus Center: CC337 jonesjr@msoe.edu
University Services Officer

Michael Jones

Department: Public Safety
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Dr. Tabia Jones

Department: Rader School of Business

Dr. Patrick Jung

Department: Humanities, Social Science, and Communication

Dr. Richard Jungmann

Department: Mechanical Engineering
(414) 277-2527 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S200D jungmann@msoe.edu Faculty Resume

Dr. Lisa Jurgens

Department: Physics and Chemistry
(414) 277-2776 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S202 jurgens@msoe.edu Faculty Resume
Associate Professor

Dr. Lois Kailhofer

Department: Computer Science and Software Engineering
Clinical Associate Professor/Program Director

Kirsten Kallies

Department: Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering
(414) 277-7209 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S355C kallies@msoe.edu Faculty Resume
Department Chair, Professor

Dr. Matey Kaltchev

Department: Physics and Chemistry
(414) 277-7544 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S237 kaltchev@msoe.edu Faculty Resume
Dean of Applied Research

Sheku Kamara

Department: Applied Technology Center
(414) 277-7416 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S148 kamara@msoe.edu Faculty Resume
Director of Admissions - Transfer & International

Samantha Kammers

Department: Admissions
(414) 277-7431 Campus Center: CC109 kammers@msoe.edu

Naveen Kankate

Department: Rader School of Business
Infrastructure Support Specialist

Jason Kann

Department: Information Technology
(414) 277-7512 Campus Center: CC308 kann@msoe.edu
Associate Dir of Donor Relations & Stewardship

Audrey Kanthack

Department: University Advancement
(414) 277-7148 Alumni Partnership Center: APCLL kanthack@msoe.edu
Administrative Assistant

Carole Kasprzycki

Department: Mathematics
(414) 277-7452 Walter Schroeder Library: L326 kasprzycki@msoe.edu
Career Coach

Allison Katula

Department: Career Connections Center
Community Director

Jason Kauffin

Department: Residence Life
(414) 277-2254 Margaret Loock Residence Hall: G101 kauffin@msoe.edu