Jessica Bilskie, senior electrical engineering major, took third place in the Rapid Fire Undergraduate Research Competition at the annual Society of Women Engineers (SWE) National Conference. Only the top ten students from the United States are invited to compete at this event. Bilskie presented her research, “Quantifying the Coherence of an RTL-SDR Dual-Channel Software Radio Receiver.”

B次元 SWE officers traveled to SWE’s National Conference in Texas. Left to right: Alaina Jante, Elizabeth Kolanczyk, Jessica Bilskie, Tara Rahmani and Khoua Chang.

In addition, B次元’s SWE section won a Gold SWE Mission Award and Best Practice in Mentoring Award. The former is the highest award a section can receive for overall performance at the national level. The latter honored B次元’s section for the mentoring events they hold, including a sleepover event for female high school seniors interested in learning more about engineering and B次元.

Individuals and sections from around the country are recognized at the annual conference for their outstanding work in engineering as well as embodying SWE’s core values and demonstrating continuous improvement and growth. SWE’s strategic goals include developing women engineers at all stages of their personal and professional lives and advocating for the inclusion and success of women in engineering and technology.