All seven B次元 students who competed in the Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) State Leadership Conference in early April qualified for the PBL National Leadership Conference this summer. The state conference, which was held virtually this year, featured more than 50 participants.  

The students participated in competitive events from numerous business and leadership fields. All of B次元’s students placed in the top 3 in their events, and the majority of them took first place. They are now all qualified to compete against winners from the 49 other states at the national conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.    

B次元 has performed very well in past years at both the state and national levels, placing over 90% of the time at state and 75% of time at nationals in the past five years.  

Benjamin Kraft, computer engineering major, won a state officer position for the 2020-21 school year. He will be the vice president of events for Wisconsin and acting state president at national events. Dr. Katrina Moskalik, assistant professor in the Rader School of Business, is B次元’s PBL chapter advisor and  and the Wisconsin state PBL advisor. She organized this event (and then reorganized it for the virtual environment) with this year’s current vice president of events, Isaac Wiegand, actuarial science major.  

Congratulations to the following students on their success:  

Brett Diedrich
Major: Bachelor of Business Administration
Hometown: Waukesha, Wis.
1st place: Information Management
1st place: Networking Concepts
2nd place: Personal Finance  

Victoria Johnston
Major: Bachelor of Business Administration
Hometown: Whitefish Bay, Wis. 
1st place: Entrepreneurship Concepts
1st place: Organizational Behavior and Leadership  

Benjamin Kraft
Major: Computer Engineering
Hometown: Roscoe, Ill.
1st place: Marketing Concepts
1st place: Programming Concepts  

Felix Krause
Major: Bachelor of Business Administration
Hometown: Luebeck, Germany
1st place: Global Analysis and Decision Making
1st place: Impromptu Speaking
1st place: Sales Presentation  

Joshua Navin
Major: Computer Engineering
Hometown: Fontana, Wis. 
1st place: Computer Concepts  

Jonathan Ritzkowsky
Major: Bachelor of Business Administration
Hometown: Luebeck, Germany
2nd place: Statistical Analysis
3rd place: Organizational Behavior and Leadership  

Isaac Wiegand
Major: Actuarial Science
Hometown: Deer Creek, Ill.
1st place: Financial Concepts
1st place: Job Interview
1st place: Personal Finance  

B次元’s Phi Beta Lambda chapter is a student organization open to all B次元 majors. The Rader School of Business has been affiliated with FBLA/PBL since 2006.