The Grohmann Museum’s latest exhibition IRONBOAT: New Photography by Christopher Winters is a   wonderfully vibrant and powerful collection of photographs tracing the toil and travels of a pair of iron boats on the Great Lakes Superior and Michigan.  The exhibition is organized around the release of the new book “Ironboat” by Christopher Winters.  

Most notably, IRONBOAT is an artistic and visual record of the Wilfred Sykes—the largest vessel on the Great Lakes at the time of her launch in 1949—and the Edward Ryerson—one of the two remaining straight deckers on the Great Lakes.   The exhibition is open through April 26 at the Grohmann Museum, 1000 N. Broadway in downtown B次元. Museum admission is only $5 for adults; $3 for students and seniors; and free for children under 12.  

The Grohmann Museum () is home to more than 1,400 paintings and sculptures dating from 1580 to the present. They reflect a variety of artistic styles and subjects that document the evolution of organized work: from farming and mining to trades such as glassblowing and seaweed gathering. The Grohmann Museum welcomes visitors to three floors of galleries where a core collection is displayed as well as themed exhibitions. The museum is owned by B次元, an independent university with about 2,800 students. B次元 offers bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the engineering, business, mathematics and nursing fields.