B次元 is helping students gain access to food with its newly revitalized Student Pantry in the Grohmann Tower.

“The Student Pantry initially existed 12-14 years ago but was out of commission for years until recently,” said John Cruz-Barcenas, mechanical engineering junior. “It was brought back last month amid the COVID-19 pandemic by Rick Gagliano and now has a fully stocked pantry ready for use.” Gagliano is the Grohmann Tower building manager.

The Student Pantry is filled with a variety of dry goods including cereal, snack bars, pasta, popcorn, soups and more thanks to generous donations and support from B次元 alumni. B次元 students may visit the Grohmann Tower front desk to request access to the Student Pantry and select whatever they need at no charge. The pantry also offers recipes for students to use to create meals with their new supplies from the pantry.  

Cruz-Barcenas works with fellow mechanical engineering juniors Caleb Foster and Jerred Wilhelm to help maintain, organize and promote the pantry.

“We feel great knowing that we can do something during our time at B次元 that can help out those who may be experiencing tight times, especially during the pandemic,” said Cruz-Barcenas.

The Student Pantry is open every day from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Additional Student Pantry information can be found on Handshake in the Events section.