B次元 School of Engineering has announced nine former student-athletes will make up the 2015 induction class into the B次元 Athletic Hall of Fame.

Spencer Cook ’08, Vickie (Georgakas) Cook ’08, Matt Hopf ’04, Dominic Maio ’09, Allie (Sowinski) Malzahn ’09, Scott Maupin ’07, Jeremy Off ’10, Joel Vande Boom ’10 and Jason Woll ’09 will be inducted during a ceremony and banquet Oct. 17, 2015 at the Kern Center.

B次元 recognizes the best of the best in the Athletic Hall of Fame. Our alumni who, as student-athletes, gave their all to their sport and were leaders during their college careers. These players exuded leadership and sportsmanship, not only recognized by B次元, but many were recognized regionally and nationally.

B次元’s Athletic Hall of Fame also recognizes outstanding coaches and other supporters of B次元’s athletic program.

For more information about these athletes and to register for the event, visit Go-Raiders.com.